Agriculture Reference
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Europe, England, Holland or France. They do not see too well because of their crest and
have a tendency to panic easily. When breeding these birds you can mate a frizzle with a
plain bird and get both types but do not pair 2 frizzles together or you will have a chicken
without feathers. Special care is needed not to get them wet as their crests take time to dry.
Some people will dry their crests with a hair dryer before the chicken sleeps, as they are
quite susceptible to colds. It is wise to have nipple watering dispensers rather than regular
ones so the bird's crest does not stop them from drinking.
French Breeds: These breeds originated in France. Many of these birds were bred for meat,
but can also be used for eggs as well. The crested varieties can also be used for exhibition
purposes. Here are some examples.
· Faverolles: This breed is another dual purpose chicken which is good for
meat and egg laying production.
· Houdan: This breed was originally bred for meat but is now used for ex-
hibitions, as it is really a light breed of chicken.
· Creve-Coeur: This breed was bred for meat and is crossed with the Dork-
ing to make it bigger.
La Fleche: This heavy breed is an old one from France.
· Modern Game Breed: Originally this breed of chicken was inbred by cock-
ers who bred it for cock fights. It was crossed with the Old English Game and
Malay. This chicken is a tall bird with long legs and a longer neck. It is now bred
for exhibition purposes. They are smaller birds and become tame easily, which
means that they make good pets for the backyard flock owner.
Oriental Breeds: These breeds often originated in China. They are often unusual birds and
breed for exhibition purposes. Here are some examples:
· Frizzle: This breed comes from Asia and is used for exhibition purposes.
The bantam is more popular than the standard variety. It is a heavy breed with
unusual tight twists on its feathers. Breeding has to be carefully done. You should
not mate the same frizzled birds year after year or you will have chickens that do
not have many feathers. Instead a new young rooster, with good frizzle, should
be paired with the pullets. These breeds are quite good layers of tinted eggs.
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