Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
• Create opaque materials
• Use procedural textures to add depth to materials
• Adjust color and reflective properties
• Create transparent materials
• Adjust the tint to transparent objects
• Create simple UV maps
• Apply image maps to 3D models
You will continue to look at material creation in future chapters and use a layered learning approach to
add complexity to the simple techniques learned here. Remember that there is no limit to the number of
layers that can be added to the material, and no limits to the number of materials that can be applied to a
model. Observing and analyzing real-world materials and photographic references will enable you to create
more-realistic textures in 3D. Take the time to examine the world around you, and you'll begin to notice the
attributes of color, reflectivity, transparency, and so forth in the objects that you see every day.
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