Graphics Reference
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Next, you will use falloffs to create the tapers at the top, bottom, and middle of the mesh. To set the falloff
for the top of the bottle, do the following:
1. Click the Falloff option and choose Linear.
2. In the Linear Falloff properties (in the lower-left of the screen), set Auto Size to y. This creates the taper
along the height of the model.
3. Enable the Scale tool by clicking its icon or using the hot key R. This shows the scale handles and
makes the falloff appear.
4. Check the direction of the falloff and make sure that the wide end of the falloff is at the top of the model
(see Figure 2-16 ). If it is upside down, click the Reverse button under Auto Size.
Figure 2-16: Setting the Linear falloff to the proper orientation
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