Graphics Reference
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The Diffuse Shading (Total) output provides an image with all of the diffuse values from the finished
render (see Figure 12-26 ). This is a good place to start when adjusting coloration of objects after render.
Reflection Shading and Specular Shading deliver the effects of reflection in the scene. The Reflection
Shading output is shown in Figure 12-27 . Notice that blurry reflections are taken into account in this render,
but it should be mentioned that blur can be added in post-processing when the reflections are separated from
the rest of the outputs.
Figure 12-26: The diffuse materials in the scene that are not occluded by transparent materials in any way
will show up in the Diffuse Shading (Total) render output.
Figure 12-27: The reflective elements of the same scene are shown in this output.
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