Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Another method of controlling anisotropic reflections is through colored image maps. Image colors con-
trol the direction. Blue stretches the reflections vertically, red stretches horizontally, and black represents no
stretching. Combinations of the colors represent diagonals and various amounts of stretching. Figure 11-24
shows some examples of image maps and the resulting anisotropic surface when the image is applied to the
anisotropic direction.
Figure 11-24: Examples of color image maps and the resulting anisotropic surfaces
Adding Materials to the Scene
Once you have completed all of the textures needed for the scene and saved them as presets, reload your
scene and begin placing the materials on the proper materials and selection sets. Remember that using pre-
sets will never give the perfect material for every model in every situation, so a few adjustments will likely
be necessary in any scene. After spending a little time applying and adjusting materials, you should have a
completed building that is ready to have the environment detailed. Figure 11-25 shows a textured building.
Figure 11-25: Your preset materials applied to the finished model
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