Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 2-3: Unit primitives are created by holding the Ctrl/Control key and clicking a primitive icon.
Figure 2-4: Holding the Shift key and clicking a primitive icon creates a unit primitive in a new mesh
The first two sets of fields in the options menu correspond to the position and size of the primitive that
will be created. If you enter these values manually and then click the Apply button, a cube will be placed in
the scene that cannot be edited using this menu. By clicking and dragging in the viewports, you can manu-
ally draw out a cube. Right-clicking and dragging up and down, or right and left, adds or subtracts edges
to the mesh vertically or horizontally, respectively. This can also be accomplished by changing the fields
for Segments, only while the cube is in interactive mode. Adding Segments you to create lines or a grid to
divide the faces of the cube.
Figure 2-5: The Cube tool options
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