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Time Period Relationships
Along a Common Timeline
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Figure 14.21 P 1 [excludes] T 1 .
the same as a request for policies which ended [before] the 2009
Diabetes Management Wellness Program began.
The SQL written to fulfill this request is:
SELECT * FROM V_Allen_Example
WHERE (pol_epis_end_dt wp_eff_beg_dt
OR DATEADD(MONTH, þ 1, wp_eff_beg_dt)
Point in Time to Point in Time Queries
Another special set of Allen relationships consists of the
relationships between two points in time, T 1 and T 2 . There are
only three such relationships. One point in time may precede
another and be non-contiguous with it, or precede the other
and be contiguous with it, or be the same as the other.
T 1 [before] T 2
The predicate for this relationship, as it holds between two
points in time, expressed as points in time, is:
((T 1 þ f CTD(1)) < T 2 )
It says that T 1 comes before T 2 , and that there is at least one
clock tick between it and T 2 . Note that because of the require-
ment for this one clock tick gap, the Allen relationship [before]
does not mean the same thing as “before” in ordinary language.
The inverse of this relationship is: T 1 [before 1 ]T 2 . The pred-
icate for this relationship, as it holds between two points in time,
expressed as points in time, is:
((T 1 - f CTD(1)) > T 2 )
It says that T 1 comes after T 2 , and that there is at least one
clock tick between it and T 2 .
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