Environmental Engineering Reference
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approximately 200 PRB sites worldwide, most of which are designed to treat
cVOCs (PRBs employing ZVI). Therefore, treatment of PAHs, NSO-PAHs,
and BTEX at MGP or related sites employing GAC and/or Bio-PRBs repre-
sent still a minority, despite their very promising long-term results.
Birke, V., and Burmeier, H. 2012a. Anwendung von durchströmten Reinigungswänden
zur Sanierung von Altlasten—Ergänzungsband zum Handbuch, 144 Seiten
(Application of permeable reactive barriers to groundwater cleanup—
Supplemental Volume, 144pp.), http:/ / www. ptka. kit. edu/ downloads/ ptka-
wte- w/ Handbuch_ Reinigungswaende- RUBIN_ Ergaenzungsband_ 2012. pdf
(accessed on June 20th, 2014).
Birke, V., and Burmeier, H. 2012b. Anwendung von durchströmten
Reinigungswänden zur Sanierung von Altlasten—Ergänzungsband zum
Handbuch (Permeable reactive barriers for groundwater remediation in
Germany—Major results of investigations of the large scale R&D program
“RUBIN” obtained during its second term (2006-2012)), Altlastenspektrum ,
249-261 (in German, English abstract).
Birke, V., Burmeier, H., Jefferis, S., Gaboriau, H., Touzé, S., and Chartier, R. 2007.
Permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) in Europe: Potentials and expectations. Ital.
J. Eng. Geol. Environ. , Special Issue 2007 on TRANS-IT project, 31-38. http://
www. ijege. uniroma1. it/ rivista/ special- 2007/ special- 2007/ (accessed on June
26th, 2014).
Birke, V., Burmeier, H., Niederbacher, P., Hermanns Stengele, R., Koehler, S., Wegner, M.,
Maier, D. et al. 2004. PRBs in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland: Mainstreams,
lessons learned, and new developments at 13 sites after six years. Paper 3A-14,
In: Gavaskar, A.R., and Chen, A.S.C. (Eds.), Remediation of Chlorinated and
Recalcitrant Compounds—2004 . Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on
Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds (Monterey, CA; May 2004).
ISBN 1-57477-145-0, published by Battelle Press, Columbus, OH.
Birke, V., Burmeier, H., and Rosenau, D. 2003. Design, construction and operation
of tailored permeable reactive barriers. Pract. Periodical Haz., Toxic, Radioact.
Manag. , ASCE 7(4), 264-280.
Birke, V., and Parbs, A. 2006. Lessons Learned Report, Outlook and Recommendations .
Deliverable reference number: D 6-3, D 6-5,—Project EuroDemo (Project no.
GOCE 003985), University of Lueneburg. http:/ / www. eurodemo. info/ uploads/
media/ D6- 3_ D6- 5_ rev. pdf (accessed on June 20th, 2014).
Birke, V., Schuett, C., Burmeier, H., Weingran, C., Schmitt-Biegel, B., Müller, J., Feig, R.,
Tiehm, A., Müller, A., Mänz, J.S., Naumann, E.; Palm, W.-U., and Ruck, W.K.L.
2010. Permeable reactive barriers for groundwater remediation at contaminated
former manufactured gasworks plants and related sites: Design features, per-
formances achieved, and outlook. In: Fields, K.A., and Wickramanayake, G.B.
(Chairs), Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds—2010 . Seventh
International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds
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