Agriculture Reference
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of moving of dry warm air masses from Kazakhstan. Time of passage of mean air
temperature through +10°С is accepted to denote the beginning of summer (May 21-
June 10).
Characterizing the thermal regime of soils form Tobolsk district, it is possible to
note that they undergo rather protracted and deep freezing in winter; slow thawing and
warming of soils is common in spring.
By the results of profi ling, it was established that soil of the plot is well-cultivated
residual carbonate, sod-podzol on ancient alluvium deposits. The surface is billowy,
without erosional features, and profi le character is simple unbroken. Signs of textural
and structural profi le dissimilarity are layers of heavy grain texture up to B-horizon
and light grain texture in C-horizon. Parent rock material is sand alluvial deposits of
the fi rst terrace above the Irtysh river fl oodplain. Soil profi le composition is the next:
Ар (0-38 cm), Е (38-48 cm), ЕВ (48-76 cm), Bh,f,al (76-93 cm), and С (93-110 cm).
Productivity of plants cultivated on the soil with high cryogenic load is determined
by the level of warm and water supply during their growth and development. The ob-
ject of research in our fi eld experiment was soft summer wheat.
During the period 2009-2011, vegetation seasons considerably differed both be-
tween them and with mean multiannual values. Observed fl uctuations of mean daily
air temperatures were from +10.8°С (May) to +17.2°C (July) in 2009, from +8.9°С
(September) to +17.5°C (July) in 2010, and from +10.8°С (May) to +18.0°C (June)
in 2011. Minimal daily temperatures were observed in May 2009 and 2011 and in
September 2010; maximal temperatures in July 2009 and 2010 and in June 2011. It is
possible to characterize the years of the research as warm with sharp fl uctuations of
daily and monthly temperatures. The overage above multiannual data made in 2009—
2.8°C, in 2010—0.5°C, and in 2011—3.2°C. Sum of active temperatures was above
the normal (1,500-1,700°С) at the average for the whole period on 219°C and were
1977.4°C in 2009, 1855.4°C in 2010, and 1925.3°C in 2011.
Precipitation total during plant vegetation was close to norm in 2009 and in 2011
and reached 311.3 and 358.2 mm each year, respectively. The year 2010 vegetation pe-
riod belongs to critical by precipitation (221.9 mm), which is lower than norm at 73.1
mm. Months characterized by shortage of moisture were determined: July and Sep-
tember 2010 (precipitation totals were 19.9 and 30.0 mm, respectively); May, August,
and September 2011 (precipitation totals were 8.5, 46.6, and 39.5 mm, respectively).
In some periods, minimal precipitation values were noted: 2009 (July—91.4 mm, Au-
gust—89.6 mm), 2010 (July—61.4 mm, August—78.7 mm), 2011 (June—162.5 mm,
July—101.1 mm).
Laboratory analyses were made on the basis of accredited laboratory “Ecotoxycol-
ogy” (РОСС RU. 0001.516420) of Tobolsk complex scientifi c station, Ural division
of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Sample collection for the research was made by soil sampling tube according
to Russian state standard (GOST) 2816-89, Ruling Documents (RD) 52.18.156-99,
Soil moisture is an important characteristic for passing of ontogeny stages by or-
ganism from the moment of seed germination. Moreover, this characteristic has imme-
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