Agriculture Reference
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Measuring the height of potato plants revealed that cultivar Predgorny is distin-
guished by taller plants, cultivar Volzhanin slightly lesser and fi nally cultivar Vladi-
kavkazsky (i.e., this indicator is not connected with the group of ripeness and is espe-
cially an individual sign depending only on genetic features of this cultivar).
Plants height depending on cultivation conditions was subjected to small fl uctua-
tions. First, it is possible to note the infl uence of weather conditions during the veg-
etative period. The difference in plant height depending on the cultivar and time of
planting is insignifi cant, but has some regularity. In the fi rst time of planting, height
of potato bushes in all cultivars was 1-5 cm more than the second variant and 7-8 cm
than the third. In our opinion, these distinctions are connected with moderate air tem-
perature during vegetation of 1 and 2 times of planting. Besides, favorable conditions
for growth and development of potato plants were created; atmospheric precipitation
was more densely used.
Well-developed healthy top provides formation of high tuber yield. Certain rela-
tion exists between the maximum mass of a bush leaves and the yield. Many authors
attach great value to the size of a leaf surface by the beginning of tuber formation, con-
sidering that the more it is during this period, the larger tuber yield will result [5, 6].
There is no consensus with reference to the infl uence of top weight on the yield
of potato tubers in scientifi c literature. A number of researchers note that equally with
increase in weight of the top productivity of tubers also increases [1, 6]. Other authors
state that the fi nal tuber yield not always depends on the power of top development [2,
3, 5]. The numerous experiments conducted in various soil and climatic zones of the
country with cultivars of various ripening groups allowed A. G. Lorkh [6] to conclude
on expediency of the directed top development (by introduction of fertilizers in proper
doses and watering) for receiving maximum tuber gain.
In our experience, when planting potatoes in different times, growth, development,
and formation of an overground biomass took place under unequal environmental con-
ditions, which was considerably refl ected in the duration of top functioning and work
effi ciency.
During the study period, in the initial period, when weather conditions favored
the growth and development of overground parts of potato plants, the top developed
evenly according to the time of planting.
The largest number of top was collected during the optimum time on the second
variant, and the mass of the top in a phase of fl owering for the cultivar Volzhanin was
440, 580, and 470 g/bush, whereas in early and late times of planting 100-120 g/a
bush less.
If we consider the accumulation of top mass in view of cultivars, it is possible to
note that the most powerful top was formed with the cultivar Vladikavkazsky. The
least top mass during vegetation in the period of researches appeared at the cultivar
Volzhanin; however, it conceded not much to the cultivar Predgorny.
As potato is a photophilous plant, with insuffi cient illumination it forms long and
thin stalks: the top turns yellow, the fl owering is late, and the effi ciency of photosyn-
thesis decreases. All this leads to a decrease in potatoe yield and deterioration of its
quality. Therefore, during the cultivation of potatoes, it is important to create condi-
tions of normal illumination for each plant.
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