Agriculture Reference
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Our data match with the those of the other scientists in some way. By comparing
the aberration activity of N -nitrozo- N -alkilurea (NMU, NDMU, NEU, NDEU, and
NMB) on spring wheat varieties (Leningradka, Diamant), they had higher activity of
NMU in all the concentrations. The rest mutagens, especially in NMB, had aberration
frequency increase reliably only in tough doses.
Analysis of correlation between chromosome aberration frequency and fi eld ger-
mination in our experiments revealed the inverse relationship. Correlation coeffi cients
in different varieties ranging from r = −0.473 in Poliska 70 variety to r = −0.704 in
Mironivska 25 prove the correlation dependence of fi eld germination and chromo-
some aberration frequency in initial root meristem of mutagen-treated seeds.
Use of chemical compounds that cause mutations gave the breeders a powerful
method of growth of diversity increase and enabled them to create valuable forms of
crops. Collections of valuable mutants of barley [20, 21], buckwheat [22, 23], maize
[24], wheat [25-27], and other valuable crops were created in a rather short time. Cre-
ating and saving a rich genetic fund of mutants is an urgent task as it is the material
base for theoretical research development and practical breeding.
Identifi cation of varieties, hybrids, and genotypes of cultural plants is one of the
most important problems of agriculture. Varieties were initially differentiated only
by most visible morphological characteristics. As scientifi c breeding methods arose,
methods of genotypes, fast identifi cation and variety purity identifi cation of sowing
materials have become signifi cant in the process of new breeding material and variet-
ies creation.
Thorough genetic studying of induced mutations is a guarantee of their successful
use as induced mutants are new forms with changed genetically systems which have
disturbed linkage between an organism and the environment and correlation between
some features, created in the initial varieties by natural and artifi cial selection in breed-
Selection of mutants in mutational breeding is based on morphological charac-
teristics solely. However, the leveling of mutagen origin lines by the phenotype does
not refl ect its internal genetic structure. Search for molecular markers for identifi ca-
tion of mutants is an urgent issue. Nowadays, use of molecular genetic markers for
studying the tendencies of forming adopted gene complex in the process of selection,
detecting the relationship between allele variant cluster of genes of reserve protein
with loci, controlling the level of expression of quantitative characteristics, [28] for
identifi cation of genotypes and estimating the varietal purity [29] are introduced. Yet,
these research studies were made on breeding varieties, intervarietal and interspecifi c
hybrids, and lines of hybrid origin. The available literature does not submit a lot of
publications on the usage of molecular markers for identifi cation of breeding material
of mutagen origin.
Among the biochemical gene markers, the ones controlling the reserve proteins
have been studied better than the others. Reserve proteins of winter wheat—gliadins
and high-molecular glutenins—have played a signifi cant role in genetically breeding
research studies of this culture lately. They have the only of the most informative
genetic markers among the well-known ones [30]. Proteins are primary products of
genetic systems, and protein electrophoretic activity is fi nally determined by the se-
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