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synthesized at the Department of Chemical Mutagenesis of the Institute of Chemical
Physics (Moscow) were kindly granted for our research. Mutagen influence of these
compounds was investigated in Ukrainian and foreign varieties and in the variety mu-
tants M 3 -M 7 induced by us. During the research period (1981-2012), we studied 50
variety samples that underwent the influence of mutagens.
Dry seeds of the variety samples were soaked in room temperature for 4-18 h in
water solutions with mutagen concentration values of 0.05, 0.025, and 0.0125 percent.
After soaking, the seeds were washed with water for an hour, air-dried, and 500 seeds
of each variant were sowed in the fi eld and 100 seeds—in Petri dish for cytological
analysis. The soaked seeds were the control.
Cytogenetic activity of mutagens was studied by frequency of cytogenetic aber-
rations in meristem cells of initial roots of seeds and soaked in mutagen solutions.
Then they were fi xed in solution of Karnua changed fi xer on temporary acetocarmine
substances in late anaphase and early telophase. Minimum 600 cells were examined
for each variant.
M 1 plants were observed from their germination to maturity. Changed forms ac-
count in M 1 plants were accounted on their height and the amount of changed families
was counted in M 2 .
We chose plants with morphological changes, made individual biometrical analy-
sis, and the seeds were sowed for the heredity checking in M 2 and further generations.
The rest of M 1 plants were gathered, individual analysis was made, and spike sown
(main spike) that guaranteed avoiding mechanical infestation with other forms.
Seeds from individually chosen plants in M 1 -M 3 plants with morphological chang-
es were sowed in baseline nursery for their further examination compared with initial
In our research study with constant mutagens, we used individual selection for
breeding and agricultural valuable characteristics; in nonstable, the continuous selec-
tion by pedigree method in combination with mass selection of plus-variants in 39
generations after selection of mutant plant was used.
Identifi cation of genotypes by electrophoresis spectrum of gliadins was conducted
by the results of the analysis of 100 kernels of each line. Electrophoresis of gliadins in
polyacrilamide gel (PAAG) was performed in “Molecular markers” laboratory of Bila
Tserkva National Agrarian University.
Biometrical analysis was made by well-known methods on an average sample of
20-30 plants. Statistic analysis was performed by methods of descriptive statistics,
correlation, and variance analysis with “Statistic” v.6.0 program.
Strong chemical mutagens are characterized with their different influence on plants
cells. Many of them have cytotoxic impact on all levels of cell organization. Mecha-
nism of cytotoxic effect shows a wide range of interaction of chemical agents that
can enter into reaction with both gene material and cytoplasmic enzymes. So, toxic
influence of mutagens can be a reason for structural damage of chromosomes or for
inactivation of essential enzymes.
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