Agriculture Reference
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Sugar beets
Sugar beet production
1. Varchenko, O. M.; The World and National Experiences of the Sugar Market Regulation: Mono-
graph. Bila Tserkva; 2009, 334 p. (in Ukrainian).
2. Zayets, O. S.; The Sugar Market: Issues, Trends, and Practices. Kyiv: “Naukova Dumka”; 1998,
365 p. (in Ukrainian).
3. Kaletnik, G. M.; The perspectives of bioethanol production in Ukraine. Agric. Equip. Machin-
ery. 2009, 2, 50-55. (in Ukrainian).
4. Kodenska, M. Yu.; The Justification of the Need of the Investment Projects Development in
Sector of Bioethanol Production Development Based on Sugar Beet Production. AhroInKom;
2011, 4-6 [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: /
Agroin/2011_4-6/KODENSKA.pdf, free. - From the screen. (in Ukrainian).
5. Royik, M. V.; Beets. Kyiv: “ХХI vik—RIA TRUD-KYIV”; 2001, 320 p. (in Ukrainian).
6. Sugar beet production in Ukraine: problems of revival, perspectives of development Monograph.
Sabluk, P. T.; Kodenska, M. Y.; Vlasov, V. I.; et al., Ed. Sabluk, P. T.; Kodenskoyi, M.; Kyiv:
“IAE NNC”; 2007, 390 p. (in Ukrainian).
7. Spychak, A. M.; The Economic problems of biofuel production and food security of Ukraine.
Economy APK. 2009, 8, 11-19. (in Ukrainian).
8. Shiyan, P. L.; Sosnitsky, V. V.; and Oliynichuk, S. T.; The innovative technologies of alcohol
industry. Theory and Practice: Monograph. Kyiv: “Askaniya”; 2009, 424 p. (in Ukrainian).
9. Directive 2009/28/EC of the european parliament and of the council of 23 April 2009 on the pro-
motion of the use of energy from renewable sources and amending and subsequently repealing
Directives 2001/77/EC and 2003/30/EC [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: http://eurlex. , free. - From
the screen.
10. The Law of Ukraine “About Alternative Types of Fuel,” from January 14th, 2000 No 1391-
XIV: as of the 21.07.2012. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Off. Publ. Kyiv: Parliamentary
Publishing House; 2000, 12, 94 (The Library of Official Publications) (in Ukrainian).
11. Shiyan, P. L.; The Plant Growing of Ukraine: Statistical Digest for 2012. Ed. Vlasenko, N. S.;
Kyiv: State Statistics Committee of Ukraine; 2013, 110 p. (in Ukrainian).
12. Shiyan, P. L.; The Basic Economic Indexes of Agricultural Production in Agricultural Enter-
prises: The Statistical Bulletin for 2008. Kyiv: State Statistics Committee of Ukraine; 2009, 76
p. (in Ukrainian).
13. Shiyan, P. L.; The Basic Economic Indexes of Agricultural Production in Agricultural Enter-
prises: The Statistical Bulletin for 2009. Kyiv: State Statistics Committee of Ukraine; 2010, 80
p. (in Ukrainian).
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