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According to V. Faydyuk, the yield of Ukrains'kyi СhS 70 hybrid seed is increased
by 0.09 t/ha, similar to 3 percent under applying seed plants minting [5]. Odessa re-
gion, by both manual and mechanized minting in the early phase of stem formation,
has shown an increase in the yield of seed by 0.15-0.35 t/ha, compared to the con-
trol—without minting under planting way of seed growing [6]. In irrigated conditions
of Crimea at “Zarichniy farm” on an area of 1.1 ha, the minting in the phase of mass
stem formation has provided the increase of the seed yield of varieties of populations
by 0.57 t/ha, and similarly by 3 percent [7]. Thus, the previous researches conducted
on growing ordinary seeds of the varieties-populations and sugar beet hybrids based
on CMS both with plantings and without plantings ways demonstrate the high ef-
fi ciency of minting as the method of directed regulation of seed plants growth and
development and their fl owering, pollination, and fertilization. The modern hybrids of
sugar beet have high potential of seed productivity, but for its more complete imple-
mentation they should create favorable conditions for the growth of mating compo-
nents. Therefore, studying the growth process of mating components and development
regulation, synchronization of its fl owering and formation of base seed yield by the
criterion of maximum seed productivity was topical.
One of the most perspective ways of improving the seed quality is its pre-sowing
preparation in the seed plants, which includes seed cleaning from impurities that do
not relate to the main crop seeds, sizing, polishing, sorting by the aerodynamic prop-
erties and specifi c gravity, stimulation, pelleting, and encrusting. The stimulation of
the intensity of seed germination is possible with the use of mechanical methods of
seed preparation on the seed plants by way of removing the artifi cial barriers to seed
germination, the use of growth stimulants, and microelements. However, the most
perspective way to increase the intensity is to initiate the passing of germination start
phase with its follow suspension, which was the goal of our research.
The research program envisaged studying the specifics of seed quality formation both
under seeds growing and its pre-sowing preparation in the seed plants. The research
was conducted at the Institute of Bioenergy Crops and Sugar beet of NAAS, Uman
Experimental Breeding Station, Uman National University of Horticulture, and Vin-
nytsa seed factory Ahrohrad V Ltd in 2008-2013.
The fi eld experiments were conducted according to the following scheme:
1. No minting—control;
2. 50 percent minting of plant pollinator;
3. 50 percent minting of plant pollinator and 100 percent of plant CMS compo-
The study of the optimal terms of minting and its effi ciency in the processes of
fl ower formation, the fl owering synchrony, and seed plant productivity was performed
simultaneously on the paternal and maternal components Umans'kyi ChS 97 sugar
beet triploid hybrids. The minting was carried out manually in the period of mass stem
formation when the plants were 60-70 cm in height. At the same time, we removed
the top of the main stem for 5-10 cm. The area of scoring plot was 56 m 2 , with triple
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