Agriculture Reference
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The science discovered the importance of medicinal herbs, their biological value, and
peculiarities of their effect on organism and created many medical products, which are
successfully applied under different diseases [1].
Later scientists discovered one of the most important peculiarities of phyton-
cides—the specifi city of their effect [2]. Phytoncidic activity of most of plants is
more expressed during spring and summer. The duration of high level of phytoncides
production is different for different species; and in some cases, it is rather limited in
time [3]. Phytoncidic volatiles and phytoncidic tissue saps can be an obstacle to the
multiplication of bacteria and fungus [4].
The aim of this chapter is the research of phytoncidic properties of some species of
medicinal herbs, namely (1) to compare herb species according to phytoncidic activity
and (2) to determine antibiotic activity of intracellular components of medicinal herbs
relatively to cultures of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms.
The study was performed at the cathedra of botany, biotechnology and landscape ar-
chitecture of Tyumen State University in 2011-2013.
A total of 30 species of medicinal herbs from 14 families were studied, namely the
Rosaceae ( Potentila erecta L., Filipendula ulmaria L., Fragaria vesca L., Agri-
monia eupatoria L., Potentila recta L.); Brassicaceae ( Armoracia rusticana Lam.);
Boraginaceae ( Symphytum officinale L.); Scrophulariaceae ( Digitalis grandifl ora
Mill); Geraniaceae ( Geranium pratense L.); Lamiaceae ( Prunella vulgaris L.,
Origanum vulgare L . , Nepeta cataria L . , Leonurus cardiaca L., Betonica offi cina-
lis L., Phlómis tubérosa L., Melissa offi cinalis L. ); Apiaceae ( Eryngium planum L . );
Urticaceae ( Urtica cannabina L.); Papaveraceae ( Chelidonium majus L. ); Valerian-
ceae ( Valeriana offi cinalis L.); Asteráceae ( Tussilago farfara L. , Tanacetum vulgare
L., Calendula offi cinalis L. Cichorium intybus L., Echinacea purpurea Moench.);
Liliáceae ( Poligonatum officinale All., Lilium martagon L., Allium fi stulosum L. ,
Allium schoenoprasum L. ), Fabaceae (Glycyrrhiza uralensis L . ).
The material was taken from the collection of medicinal herbs, growing at the
experimental plot of the biological station “The Lake Kuchak” of Tyumen State Uni-
versity situated in the Nizhnetavdinsky district of Tyumen region. The territory is
moderately wet, and hydrothermic coeffi cient is 1.2-1.3. Annual precipitation total
is 350-380 mm. The sum of air temperatures above 10 ° С is 1,700-1,900 degree-days,
and the length of the corresponding period is 114-123 days. Droughts of low and
moderate intensity are rather frequent [5].
In 2011 and 2012, laboratory studies were conducted using the method of holes
in the thickness of agar, aimed at determining the antibiotic activity of medicinal herb
extracts relatively to conditionally pathogenic microorganisms: Staphylococcus aure-
us, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Escherichia coli, Bacillus mycoides, and Candida
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