Agriculture Reference
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was done directly before seeding (May 15, 2013) with the peat-based two components
product “Force48.”
Chlorophyll content was measured at the last full-developed leaf using a Minolta
SPAD-502 device as an average value from 30 measurements per plot. The relation-
ship between SPAD values and chlorophyll content is nonlinear for soybeans and fol-
lows an exponential equation [12]. SPAD meter readings as well as leaf chlorophyll
content is closely related to leaf nitrogen content [13].
Numbers of nodules were counted on carefully digged out roots at randomly col-
lected plants from each plot.
The number of nodules has shown significant differences between inoculated and con-
trol among all varieties. No plant of the control group was infected by bacteria, but
at every inoculated plant nodules developed (Figure 10.3). At roots from the regional
Siberian variety, the highest number of nodules was counted. End of July (full flower-
ing) soy plants from Aveline had from 9 to 14 nodules, those from Augusta between 4
and 18 while Sibniik315 had 9-40.
FIGURE 10.3 Number of nodules at inoculated varieties from Germany (Aveline, Augusta)
and Siberia (Sibniik315) at full flowering (BBCH 65) on July 20, 2013.
At all plants, the nodules were located close to the main root with diameters be-
tween 3 and 5 mm at that stage of development (Figure 10.4(B)). The color of the
nodules was light red in the inside, which means that they were slightly active (Figure
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