Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
This topic is absolutely not intended to compete with the general texts on development
mentioned above. As they set out the processes of differentiation and signalling and pattern
formation in great detail and take morphogenesis somewhat for granted, this topic concen-
trates solely on mechanisms of actual morphogenesis and takes all of the differentiation
and patterning mechanisms that control it for granted. The decision to focus only on morpho-
genesis itself was made to keep the length of this volume reasonable and its price down, )
and because other authors will have already discussed the many aspects of development
far better than I could. Most readers will already have a sophisticated understanding of
the genes and signalling aspects of modern developmental biology anyway; it is my hope
that this topic will help them in their efforts to link these aspects to the mechanisms that actu-
ally generate shape.
Reference List
1. Waddington CH. Principles of embryology. George Allen & Unwin; 1956.
2. Ronan CA. Cambridge history of the world's science. Cambridge University Press; 1983.
3. Medawar PB. Act of creation. New Statesman; 1964.
4. Medawar PB. The art of the soluble. Methuen; 1967.
5. Gilbert SF. Developmental biology. 9th ed. Sinauer; 2010.
6. Wolpert L, Tickle C. Principles of development. 4th ed. Oxford University Press; 2011.
7. Alberts B, Bray D, Lewis J, Raff M, Roberts K, Watson JD. Molecular biology of the cell. 5th ed. 2008. Garland.
8. Slack JMW. Essential developmental biology. 3rd ed. Wiley-Blackwell; 2012.
9. Davies J. Intracellular and extracellular regulation of ureteric bud morphogenesis. J Anat 2001;
:257 e 64.
10. Davies JA. Do different branching epithelia use a conserved developmental mechanism? Bioessays 2002;
937 e 48.
11. Davies JA, Bard JB. The development of the kidney. Curr Top Dev Biol 1998;
:245 e 301.
12. Davies JA, Fisher CE. Genes and proteins in renal development. Exp Nephrol 2002;
:102 e 13.
13. Davies JA. Branching morphogenesis. Landes Biomedical 2004.
14. Barnett MW, Fisher CE, Perona-Wright G, Davies JA. Signalling by glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor
(GDNF) requires heparan sulphate glycosaminoglycan. J Cell Sci 2002;
:4495 e 503.
) A wish to make this topic affordable is also the reason that it is illustrated by drawings rather than full
colour micrographs.
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