Biology Reference
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70. Lin JF, Wu SH. Molecular events in senescing Arabidopsis leaves. Plant J 2004;
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71. Gepstein S. Leaf senescence d not just a 'wear and tear' phenomenon. Genome Biol 2004;
72. Coupe SA, Watson LM, Ryan DJ, Pinkney TT, Eason JR. Molecular analysis of programmed cell death during
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73. Swidzinski JA, Leaver CJ, Sweetlove LJ. A proteomic analysis of plant programmed cell death. Phytochemistry
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74. Gechev TS, Gadjev IZ, Hille J. An extensive microarray analysis of AAL-toxin-induced cell death in Arabidopsis
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75. Mu˜ oz-Pinedo C. Signaling pathways that regulate life and cell death: evolution of apoptosis in the context of
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:124 e 43.
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