Environmental Engineering Reference
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Figure 31: Tower mass - 10-turbine analysis compared to industry study set.
Figure 32: Tower mass/HH - 10-turbine analysis compared to industry study set.
tower mass targeted for the solid line or lower to ensure favourable WPP economics.
The considerable divergence for the calculated trend at the larger MW ratings is
particularly exasperated by the hefty tower base diameter (nearly 7 m for the 10 MW
turbine) used for the larger machines in the 10-turbine study set. Achieving the
lowest possible tower mass while still achieving all functional and operational
requirements is an important design goal.
Figure 32 is derived from Fig. 31 in terms of tower mass divided by the WT HH.
This alternative metric results in an average tower “mass per meter” of tower
height. In practice the mass per meter of the lower elevations of the tower will be
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