Environmental Engineering Reference
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specifi es what the product should do, not how technical details are chosen to
answer the requirements.
The PSD is created during the conceptual design (TG3) to collect all of the
detailed technical specifi cations for components and their aggregation into an
overall system that satisfi es the PRD. The PSD establishes the roadmap for com-
pleting the design, ensures everything that can possibly be considered is included,
and builds the framework for measuring progress towards completion. It is
important to note that once the PSD is established, changes are accepted only if
the entire team (including Conceptual design engineering) are brought back
together for discussion and approval. The document includes outline models,
component technology selections and value assessments. The PSD is one of the
key hand-offs from conceptual design engineering as the systems engineering
team embarks on the preliminary design phase of the new product development
program (TG4).
3.6 Launching the product
Obtain and document buy-in from all the stakeholders. Initial commitment for
funding and resources are needed for the best possible start. Long-term commit-
ment for a sustained level of funding is the bedrock of the best technical orga-
nizations. Regardless, if specifi c development programs are carried through or
replaced with emergent business opportunities, the best talent that is fully engaged
in an environment of creativity cannot be maintained if too much energy is focused
on continually developing funding opportunities.
3.6.1 Re-assessing on a regular basis
Most if not all of the conditions and assumptions that had initially supported a
decision to proceed on a new MW WT design will change over time. The impor-
tance for having some level of ongoing technical competitive surveillance cannot
be emphasized enough. Plan regular stand-downs across the functional organiza-
tions to absorb, vet, and act on emergent information that changes any of the previ-
ous conditions and assumptions. This is the key to know when to change course, or
even terminate a particular MW WT program.
3.7 Design defi nition: conceptual
Conceptual design (TG1
3) permits the rapid exchange of ideas and proposals for
how to physically achieve the goals laid out for a business proposition. Concep-
tual design is physics-based, realistic and timely. Successful conceptual design is
dependent on the creation and maintenance of a computer-based environment for
MW WT and WPP value analysis.
Preliminary design (TG4) builds on the foundation provided by the concep-
tual design. Conceptual design transitions to preliminary design when all of
the stakeholders agree that the current and estimated future market conditions
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