Environmental Engineering Reference
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Figure 9: Diffraction behind obstacles high-frequency (left) and low-frequency
(right) waves.
rise to noise (Fig. 8f). One commonly divides the noise due to atmospheric
turbulence into a low-frequency regime (when the length-scale of the fl uctuations
is much larger than the size of the body) and a high frequency regime (the length-
scale of the fl uctuations is much smaller then the airfoil). As it will be shown in
Section 6.2, these two regimes can be treated separately in noise modeling [4].
Due to the chaotic behavior of turbulence, these models are not deterministic.
According to Lowson [9], the self-noise sources dominate at low wind speeds,
near cut-in, while at the rated power the turbulence inlet noise source dominates.
A detailed description of all these noise mechanisms can be found, e.g. in [4].
4.2 Propagation
In the previous section the noise generation mechanisms have been discussed. The
knowledge of these noise sources , however, is not enough to predict the sound
pressure level at a receiver. While the acoustic waves are traveling through the
atmosphere, several factors infl uence the propagated sound pressure levels, the
most important ones being the followings:
distance to the receiver. For increasing distance the acoustic energy is
spread in a larger volume which decreases the sound pressure level.
Absorption is due to the air viscosity and converts the acoustic energy into heat.
Refl ections due to the ground and surrounding objects.
When a wave passes around a solid object
diffraction occurs. For high frequen-
cies (wavelength much smaller than the object size) a shadow zone occurs
behind the object. The shadow zone decreases with decreasing frequency, com-
pletely disappearing for wavelengths much larger than the size of the object
(see Fig. 9).
Refractions are caused due to temperature gradients which cause different
densities in different layers of the air, and as a consequence impose different
propagation speeds of the sound waves.
wind speed and direction infl uences the directivity of the noise propagation.
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