Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Compiling a Java
program in a com-
mand-line window.
If the program compiled without any errors, a file called HelloUser.class is created in
the same folder that contains .
The class file contains the Java bytecode that will be executed by a Java interpreter. If
you get any errors, go back to your original source file and make sure that you typed it
exactly as it appears in Listing A.1.
After you have a class file, you can run that file using a Java interpreter. The kit's inter-
preter is called java , and it also is run from the command line.
Run the HelloUser program by switching to the folder containing HelloUser.class and
entering the following:
java HelloUser
You will see the text “Hello” followed by a space and your username.
When running a Java class with the kit's Java interpreter, don't
specify the .class file extension after the name of the class. If
you do, you'll see an error such as the following:
Exception in thread “main” java.lang.
NoClassDefFoundError: HelloUser/class
Figure A.11 shows the successful output of the HelloUser application along with the
commands used to get to that point.
If you can compile the program and run it successfully, your kit is working and you are
ready to start Day 1 of this topic.
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