Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The STUFF folder will be created in the root folder of the system's C: drive. To open a
newly created folder, use the CD command, followed by that folder's name, as shown in
Figure A.4.
Opening the new folder
Creating a folder
Creating a new
folder in a com-
mand-line window.
If you haven't already created a J21work folder, you can do it from a command line:
1. Change to the root folder (using the CD \ command).
2. Type the command MD J21work and press Enter .
After J21work has been created, you can go to it at any time from a command line by
using this command:
CD \J21work
The last thing you need to learn about MS-DOS to use the Java Development Kit is how
to run programs.
Running Programs in MS-DOS
The simplest way to run a program at the command line is to type its name and press
Enter. For example, type DIR and press Enter to see a list of files and subfolders in the
current folder.
You also can run a program by typing its name followed by a space and some options
that control how the program runs. These options are called arguments .
To see an example of this, change to the root folder (using CD \ ) and type DIR J21work .
You'll see a list of files and subfolders contained in the J21work folder, if it contains any.
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