Java Reference
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Even though they are moving data in two directions, the writeStream() and
readStream() methods are substantially the same. They take the following format:
The filename, numbers.dat , is used to create a file input or output stream.
The file stream is used to create a buffered input or output stream.
The buffered stream's write() method is used to send data, or the read() method
is used to receive data.
The buffered stream is closed.
Because file streams and buffered streams throw IOException objects if an error occurs,
all operations involving the streams are enclosed in a try - catch block for this exception.
The Boolean return values in writeStream() and readStream() indi-
cate whether the stream operation was completed successfully.
They aren't used in this program, but it's good practice to let
callers of these methods know if something goes wrong.
Console Input Streams One of the things many experienced programmers miss
when they begin learning Java is the ability to read textual or numeric input from the
console while running an application. There is no input method comparable to the output
methods System.out.print() and System.out.println() .
Now that you can work with buffered input streams, you can put them to use receiving
console input.
The System class, part of the java.lang package, has a class variable called in that is an
InputStream object. This object receives input from the keyboard through the stream.
You can work with this stream as you would any other input stream. The following state-
ment creates a new buffered input stream associated with the input stream:
BufferedInputStream command = new BufferedInputStream(;
The next project, the ConsoleInput class, contains a class method you can use to receive
console input in any of your Java applications. Enter the text of Listing 15.4 in your edi-
tor and save the file as .
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