Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Methods are defined in a manner similar to a class. They begin with a statement that
names the method, the kind of information the method produces, and other things.
The checkTemperature() method is contained within the braces on lines 6 and 11 of
Listing 1.1. This method can be called on a VolcanoRobot object to find out its tempera-
This method checks to see whether the object's temperature instance variable has a
value greater than 660. If it does, two other instance variables are changed:
The status is changed to the text “returning home,” indicating that the temperature
is too hot and the robot is heading back to its base.
The speed is changed to 5. (Presumably, this is as fast as the robot can travel.)
The second instance method, showAttributes() , is defined in lines 13-17:
void showAttributes() {
System.out.println(“Status: “ + status);
System.out.println(“Speed: “ + speed);
System.out.println(“Temperature: “ + temperature);
This method calls System.out.println() to display the values of three instance vari-
ables along with some text explaining what each value represents.
Save the file when you're done entering the source code. You don't need to compile
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Running the Program
Even if you compiled the VolcanoRobot class successfully, you couldn't do anything
with it. The class you have created defines what a VolcanoRobot object would be like if
one were used in a program, but it doesn't create one of these objects.
There are two ways to put the VolcanoRobot class to use:
Create a separate Java program that uses the class.
Add a special class method called main() to the VolcanoRobot class so that it can
be run as an application and then use VolcanoRobot objects in that method.
The first option is chosen for this exercise. Listing 1.2 contains the source code for
VolcanoApplication , a Java class that creates a VolcanoRobot object, sets its instance
variables, and calls methods.
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