Java Reference
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black (0, 0, 0)
magenta (255, 0, 255)
blue (0, 0, 255)
orange (255, 200, 0)
cyan (0, 255, 255)
pink (255, 175, 175)
darkGray (64, 64, 64)
red (255, 0, 0)
gray (128, 128, 128)
white (255, 255, 255)
green (0, 255, 0)
yellow (255, 255, 0)
lightGray (192, 192, 192)
The following statement sets the color for a Graphics2D object named comp2D by using
one of the standard class variables:
If you have created a Color object, it can be set in a similar fashion:
Color brush = new Color(255, 204, 102);
After you set the current color, subsequent methods to draw strings and other things will
use that color.
You can set the background color for a component, such as a panel or frame, by calling
the component's setBackground( Color ) and setForeground( Color ) methods.
The setBackground() method sets the component's background color, as in this
The setForeground() method is called on user interface components, changing the color
of a component such as a button or a window.
You can use setForeground() in the init() method to set the color for drawing opera-
tions. This color is used until another color is chosen with either setForeground() or
setColor() .
If you want to find out what the current color is, you can use the getColor() method on
a Graphics2D object, or the getForeground() or getBackground() methods on the com-
The following statement sets the current color of comp2D —a Graphics2D object—to the
same color as a component's background:
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