Java Reference
In-Depth Information
A listener is added to each component that will generate the events to handle.
The methods are added, each with an EventObject class as the only argument to
the method.
Methods of that EventObject class, such as getSource() , are used to learn which
component generated the event and what kind of event it was.
When you know these steps, you can work with each of the different listener interfaces
and event classes. You also can learn about new listeners as they are added to Swing with
new components.
Q Can a program's event-handling behavior be put into its own class instead of
including it with the code that creates the interface?
A It can, and many programmers will tell you that this is a good way to design your
programs. Separating interface design from your event-handling code enables the
two to be developed separately. This makes it easier to maintain the project; related
behavior is grouped and isolated from unrelated behavior.
Q Is there a way of differentiating between the buttons on a mouseClicked()
A You can, using a feature of mouse events that wasn't covered today because right
and middle mouse buttons are platform-specific features that aren't available on all
systems where Java programs run.
All mouse events send a MouseEvent object to their event-handling methods. Call
the getModifiers() method of the object to receive an integer value that indicates
which mouse button generated the event.
Check the value against three class variables. It equals MouseEvent.BUTTON1_MASK
if the left button was clicked, MouseEvent.BUTTON2_MASK if the middle button was
clicked, and MouseEvent.BUTTON3_MASK if the right button was clicked. See and MouseTest.class on the Day 12 page of the topic's website
at for an example that implements this technique.
For more information, see the Java class library documentation for the MouseEvent
class: Visit the web page and click the
java.awt.event hyperlink to view the classes in that package.
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