Java Reference
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Using Card Layout in an Application
Today's next project demonstrates. both card layout and the use of different layout man-
agers within the same graphical user interface.
The SurveyWizard class is a panel that implements a wizard interface: a series of simple
questions accompanied by a Next button that is used to see the next question. The last
question has a Finish button instead.
Figure 11.5 shows this panel.
Using a card lay-
out for a wizard-
style interface.
The easiest way to implement a card-based layout is to use panels. The project uses pan-
els heavily:
The SurveyWizard class is a panel that holds all the cards.
The SurveyPanel helper class is a panel that holds one card.
Each SurveyPanel object contains three panels stacked on top of each other.
The SurveyWizard and SurveyPanel classes are both panels because that's the easiest
component to use when working with card layout. Each card is created as a panel and
added to a containing panel that will be used to show them in sequence.
This takes place in the SurveyWizard constructor, using two instance variables, a card
layout manager, and an array of three SurveyPanel objects:
SurveyPanel[] ask = new SurveyPanel[3];
CardLayout cards = new CardLayout();
The constructor sets the class to use the layout manager, creates each SurveyPanel
object, and then adds it to the class:
String question1 = “What is your gender?”;
String[] responses1 = { “female”, “male”, “not telling” };
ask[0] = new SurveyPanel(question1, responses1, 2);
add(ask[0], “Card 0”);
Each SurveyPanel object is created with. three arguments to the constructor: the text of
the question, an array of possible responses, and the element number of the default
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