Java Reference
In-Depth Information
DAY 10:
Building a Swing
Although computers can be operated in a command-line environment
such as MS-DOS or a Linux shell, most computer users expect software
to feature a graphical user interface and receive input with a mouse and
Windowing software can be one of the more challenging tasks for a
novice programmer, but as you learned yesterday, Java has simplified the
process with Swing, a set of classes for the creation and use of graphical
user interfaces.
Swing offers the following features:
Common user interface components—Buttons, text fields, text
areas, labels, check boxes, radio buttons, scrollbars, lists, menu
items, sliders, and more
Containers, interface components that can be used to hold other
components, including containers—Frames, panels, windows,
menus, menu bars, and tabbed panes
Adjustable look and feel—The ability to change the style of an
entire interface to resemble Windows, Mac OS, or other distinctive
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