Java Reference
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Compiling this file produces two class files rather than one, as you might expect from
previous projects. Because the source file defines the Printer and SubPrinter classes,
both are produced by the compiler. Run SubPrinter with the Java interpreter to see the
following output:
x is 0, y is 1
I am an instance of the class SubPrinter
Make sure that you run SubPrinter with the interpreter rather than
Printer . The Printer class does not have a main() method, so it
cannot be run as an application.
A SubPrinter object was created, and the printMe() method was called in the main()
method of SubPrinter . Because the SubPrinter does not define this method, Java looks
for it in the superclasses of SubPrinter , starting with Printer . Printer has a printMe()
method, so it is executed. Unfortunately, this method does not display the z instance vari-
able, as you can see from the preceding output.
To correct the problem, you could override the printMe() method of Printer in
SubPrinter , adding a statement to display the z instance variable:
void printMe() {
System.out.println(“x is “ + x + “, y is “ + y +
“, z is “ + z);
System.out.println(“I am an instance of the class “ +
Calling the Original Method
Usually, there are two reasons why you want to override a method that a superclass
already has implemented:
To replace the definition of that original method completely
To augment the original method with additional behavior
Overriding a method and giving the method a new definition hides the original method
definition. There are times, however, when behavior should be added to the original defi-
nition instead of replacing it completely, particularly when behavior is duplicated in both
the original method and the method that overrides it. By calling the original method in
the body of the overriding method, you can add only what you need.
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