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Chapter 3
Probabilistic Bisimulation
Abstract We introduce the operational model of probabilistic labelled transition
systems, where a state evolves into a distribution after performing some action. To
define relations between distributions, we need to lift a relation on states to be a
relation on distributions of states. There is a natural lifting operation that nicely cor-
responds to the Kantorovich metric, a fundamental concept used in mathematics to
lift a metric on states to a metric on distributions of states, which is also related to
the maximum flow problem in optimisation theory.
The lifting operation yields a neat notion of probabilistic bisimulation, for which
we provide logical, metric and algorithmic characterisations. Specifically, we ex-
tend the Hennessy-Milner logic and the modal mu-calculus with a new modality,
resulting in an adequate and an expressive logic for probabilistic bisimilarity. The
correspondence of the lifting operation and the Kantorovich metric leads to a charac-
terisation of bisimulations as pseudometrics that are postfixed points of a monotone
function. Probabilistic bisimilarity also admits both partition refinement and “on-
the-fly” decision algorithms; the latter exploits the close relationship between the
lifting operation and the maximum flow problem.
Keywords Probabilistic labelled transition system
Lifting operation
Modal logic
In recent years, probabilistic constructs have been proven useful for giving quantita-
tive specifications of system behaviour. The first papers on probabilistic concurrency
theory [ 1 - 3 ] proceed by replacing nondeterministic with probabilistic constructs.
The reconciliation of nondeterministic and probabilistic constructs starts with [ 4 ]
and has received a lot of attention in the literature [ 5 - 22 ]. It could be argued that it
is one of the central problems of the area.
Also we shall work in a framework that features the coexistence of probability
and nondeterminism. More specifically, we deal with probabilistic labelled transition
systems (pLTSs) [ 19 ] that are an extension of the usual labelled transition systems
(LTSs) so that a step of transition is in the form s
ʔ , meaning that state s can
perform action a and evolve into a distribution ʔ over some successor states. In this
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