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Realising Payoffs
In this section, we expose some less obvious properties of derivations, relating to
their behaviour at infinity. One important property is that if we associate each state
with a reward, which is a value in [
1, 1], then the maximum payoff realisable
by following all possible weak derivations can in fact be achieved by some static
derivative policy, as stated in Theorem 6.8 . The property depends on our working
within finitary pLTSs, that is, ones in which the state space is finite and the (unlifted)
transition relation is finite-branching. We first need to formalise some concepts such
as discounted weak derivation and discounted payoff.
Definition 6.14 (Discounted Weak Derivation) The discounted weak derivation
ʴ ʔ for discount factor ʴ (0
1) is obtained from a weak derivation
by discounting each ˄ transition by ʴ . That is, there is a collection of ʔ k
and ʔ k
ʔ 0
ʔ 0
−ₒ ʔ 1
ʔ 0
+ ʔ 1
ʔ k + 1
ʔ k
ʔ k + 1 +
such that ʔ = k = 0 ʴ k ʔ k .
It is trivial that the relation
1 coincides with
given in Definition 6.4 .
Definition 6.15 (Discounted Payoff) Given a pLTS with state space S , a discount
ʴ , and reward function r , we define the discounted payoff function
ʴ , max : S
ₒ R
ʴ , max ( s )
ʔ |
ʴ ʔ }
and we will generalise it to be of type
D sub ( S )
ₒ R
by letting
ʴ , max ( ʔ )
ʴ , max ( s ) .
ʔ ( s )
· P
s ʔ
Definition 6.16 (Max-seeking Policy) Given a pLTS, discount ʴ and reward func-
tion r , we say a static derivative policy dp is max-seeking with respect to ʴ and r if
for all s the following requirements are met.
ʴ , r
1. If dp ( s )
, then r ( s )
· P
max ( ʔ 1 ) for all s
ʔ 1 .
2. If dp ( s )
ʔ then
ʴ , r
a) ʴ
· P
max ( ʔ )
r ( s ) and
ʴ , r
ʴ , r
max ( ʔ )
≥ P
max ( ʔ 1 ) for all s
ʔ 1 .
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