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Testing with Extremal Derivatives
A test is simply a process in the language rpCSP , except that it may in addition
use special success actions for reporting outcomes; these are drawn from a set ʩ of
fresh actions not already in Act ˄ . We refer to the augmented language as rpCSP ʩ .
Formally a test T is some process from that language, and to apply test T to process
P we form the process T
| Act P , in which all visible actions of P must synchronise
with T . The resulting composition is a process whose only possible actions are ˄
and the elements of ʩ . We will define the result
d ( T , P ) of applying the test T
to the process P to be a set of testing outcomes, exactly one of which results from
each resolution of the choices in T
| Act P . Each testing outcome is an ʩ -tuple of real
numbers in the interval [0,1], that is, a function o : ʩ
[0, 1], and its ˉ -component
o ( ˉ ), for ˉ
ʩ , gives the probability that the resolution in question will reach an
ˉ-success state , one in which the success action ˉ is possible.
We will now give a definition of
d ( T , P ), which is intended to be an alternative of
( T , P ). Our definition has three ingredients. First of all, to simplify the presentation
we normalise our pLTS by removing all ˄ -transitions that leave a success state. This
way an ˉ -success state will only have outgoing transitions labelled ˉ .
Definition 6.6 ( ˉ -Respecting) Let
be a pLTS such that the set of labels
L includes ʩ . It is said to be ˉ-respecting whenever s
S , L ,
It is straightforward to modify an arbitrary pLTS so that it is ˉ -respecting. Here
we outline how this is done for our pLTS for rpCSP .
, for any ˉ
ʩ , s
Definition 6.7 (Pruning) Let [
] be the unary operator on ʩ -test states given by the
operational rules
(for all ˉ
ʩ ), s
( ˉ
ʩ )
( ʱ
Act ˄ ) .
[ s ]
[ ʔ ]
[ s ]
[ ʔ ]
Just as
| A , this operator extends as syntactic sugar to ʩ -tests by distributing
ʔ ( s ). Clearly, this
operator does nothing else than removing all outgoing transitions of a success state
other than the ones labelled with ˉ
] over p
; likewise, it extends to distributions by [ ʔ ]([ s ])
ʩ .
Next, using Definition 6.4 , we get a collection of subdistributions ʘ reachable
from [[[ T
| Act P ]]]. Then, we isolate a class of special weak derivatives called extreme
derivatives .
Definition 6.8 (Extreme Derivatives) A state s in a pLTS is called stable if s
and a subdistribution ʘ is called stable if every state in its support is stable. We write
ʔ ʘ whenever ʔ ʘ and ʘ is stable, and call ʘ an extreme derivative
of ʔ .
Referring to Definition 6.4 , we see this means that in the extreme derivation of ʘ
from ʔ at every stage a state must move on if it can, so that every stopping component
can contain only states that must stop: for s
ʔ k
ʔ k
ʔ k
we have that s
if and now also only if s
. Moreover, if the pLTS is ˉ -respecting then whenever
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