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Theorem 4.7 from the last chapter saying that for finitary processes the preorders
pmust . We will proceed in two steps:
finite processes are considered in this chapter and finitary processes, which may
have loops, are dealt with in Chap. 6.
We will first introduce the syntax and operational semantics of the language pCSP
and then instantiate the general testing framework in Sect. 4.1 to pCSP processes.
In Sect. 5.5 we use the transitions s
coincide with
pmay and
ʔ to define two coinductive preorders,
the forward simulation (or simply called simulation ) preorder
S [ 7 , 8 ], and the
FS over pCSP processes. The latter extends the failure
simulation preorder of [ 9 ] to probabilistic processes. Both preorders use a natural
generalisation of the transitions, first to take the form ʔ
failure simulation preorder
ʔ , and then to weak
ʔ . The second preorder differs from the first one in the use of a
failure predicate s
versions ʔ
, indicating that in the state s none of the actions in X can be
Both preorders are preserved by all the operators in pCSP , and are sound with
respect to the testing preorders; that is P
S Q implies P
pmay Q and P
FS Q implies
pmust Q . The soundness is proved in a very standard method. But completeness ,
that the testing preorders imply the respective simulation preorders, requires some
ingenuity. We prove it indirectly, involving a characterisation of the testing and
simulation preorders in terms of a modal logic.
Our modal logic, defined in Sect. 5.6 , uses conjunction ˕ 1
˕ 2 , the modality
˕ from the Hennessy-Milner Logic, and a probabilistic construct ˕ 1 p ˕ 2 .A
satisfaction relation between processes and formulae then gives, in a natural manner,
a logical preorder between processes: P
L Q means that every
formula satisfied
L coincides with
S (and hence
by P is also satisfied by Q . We establish that
To capture failures, we add, for every set of actions X , a formula ref ( X )toour
logic, satisfied by any process that, after it can do no further internal actions, can
perform none of the actions in X either. The constructs ,
and ref stem from
the modal characterisation of the nonprobabilistic failure simulation preorder, given
in [ 9 ]. We show that
pmust , as well as
FS , can be characterised in a similar manner
with this extended modal logic.
We prove these characterisation results through two cycles of inclusions:
pmust F
Sect. 5.6
Sect. 5.5
Sect. 4.1
Sect. 4.7
Sect. 5.7
L Q implies P
In Sect. 5.6 we show that P
S Q (and hence P
pmay Q ), and likewise
FS ; the proof involves constructing, for each pCSP process P ,a
characteristic formula ˕ P . To obtain the other direction, in Sect. 5.7 we show how
every modal formula ˕ can be captured, in some sense, by a test T ˕ ; essentially the
ability of a pCSP process to satisfy ˕ is determined by its ability to pass the test T ˕ .
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