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address the issues raised in this topic effectively. The new Regulation will most
likely not remedy the failure of access control, the failure of anonymity and the
failure of purpose specification. It is also questionable whether it will facilitate
technical solutions such as those proposed in this topic. While we have focused on
the legal framework for privacy and data protection in Europe, similar conclusions
may likely be drawn for other legal systems in the world. We hope that this topic
will contribute to the ongoing discussion on how the protect privacy and avoid
discrimination using both law and technology.
Calders, T., Verwer, S.: Three Naive Bayes Approaches for Discrimination-Free
Classification. Special issue of ECML/PKDD (2010)
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Denning, D.E.: Cryptography and Data Security, p. 17. Addison-Wesley, Amsterdam
Ohm, P.: Broken Promises of Privacy: Responding to the Surprising Failure of
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Pedreschi, D., Ruggieri, S., Turini, F.: Discrimination-aware Data Mining. In: 14th ACM
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560-568. ACM (August 2008)
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Shannon, C.E.: Communications theory of secrecy systems. Bell Systems Technology
Journal 28, 656-715 (1949)
Solove, D.: Nothing to Hide: The False Tradeoff Between Privacy and Security. Yale
University Press (2011)
Taipale, K.A.: Technology, Security and Privacy: The Fear of Frankenstein, the Mythology
of Privacy and the Lessons of King Ludd. Yale Journal of Law and Technology 7(123)
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Van den Berg, B., Leenes, R.: Audience Segregation in Social Network Sites. In:
Proceedings for SocialCom2010/PASSAT2010 (Second IEEE International Conference
on Social Computing/Second IEEE International Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk
and Trust), pp. 1111-1117. IEEE, Minneapolis (2010)
Vedder, A.H.: KDD: The Challenge to Individualism. Ethics and Information Technology
(1), 275-281 (1999)
Verwer, Calders: Three Naive Bayes Approaches for Discrimination-Free Classification.
In: Data Mining: Special Issue with Selected Papers from ECML-PKDD 2010, Springer
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