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10.7 Concluding Remarks
In this chapter it was illustrated how data from judicial databases in the Nether-
lands are currently processed, combined, and analyzed. It was explained how pre-
cautions in the data integration process should be taken to better respect privacy
laws and regulations. When such measures are taken, the risks of exposing the
identity of individuals are minimized. Subsequently, it was shown that applying
data analysis methods to judicial data is not straightforward and that data mining
results should be considered with caution. When these reservations are taken into
account and the precautions mentioned are taken, applications that exploit com-
bined crime data and provide statistical overviews are valuable tools for judicial
policymakers in developing new and effective policies. An example is the recently
developed public safety monitor. This monitor fulfills the information needs of po-
licymakers and advisors and allows them to timely identify potential capacity
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