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Activating the ISO domain
You have now created an iSCSI storage data domain. Now, you need to attach an ISO do-
main to the data center and upload installation images so that you can use them to create
virtual machines. Before that, if you recollect, we had already created an ISO domain dur-
ing the RHEV-M engine-setup installation and chose /rhev-iso-library as a destin-
ation on Manager Box to store the ISO library.
For this reason, under the Storage tab, you can see the ISO_Datastore of the storage
type ISO display with the status Unattached . To attach the ISO Domain to a data center,
perform the following steps:
1. Go to the Storage tab, select the ISO datastore, select Data center on the bottom
pane and click on Attach .
2. You will see a pop-up window with a list of the active data centers in your setup to
attach this ISO domain. Select the appropriate data center and click on OK . This
will attach the ISO datastore to the data center you selected and change its status to
the Inactive state for a couple of seconds and turns to the Active state on its own.
Now we have two data domains in the Active state in our data center: one to store the virtu-
al machine and another to store the ISO library. Please note that in a data center at least one
data domain should be in the active state before attaching and activating the ISO domain.
Also, you can move the ISO storage domain to multiple data centers in your RHEV envir-
onment to create virtual machines.
Populate ISO images on an ISO domain
To install a virtual machine or run live boot images such as a backup appliance, media im-
ages (CD-ROM or DVD-ROM in the form of ISO images) must be available in the ISO re-
pository for the virtual machines to use. To do so, RHEV provides a utility that copies the
images and sets the appropriate permissions on the file. The file provided to the utility and
the ISO share has to be accessible from the RHEV Manager server. Perform the following
steps to populate ISO images on the ISO domain:
1. Log in to the RHEV-M server using SSH and make sure you have access to ISO
images as well as the ISO library destination before you start uploading. In our
guide, we use the /rhev-iso-library folder of the RHEV Manager server to
store the ISO library, and we also download the RHEL version 6 update 5 ISO im-
age and keep it under the /opt directory on the same RHEV Manager server.
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