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Adding a data domain to store virtual machines
After the first hypervisor is approved and registered to the cluster, you will still see that the
data center status is in the uninitialized state. To initialize the data center, we need to per-
form the last and most important setup of adding the storage domain to store the virtual ma-
chines' images. In this guide, we are going to use the storage type of iSCSI for our first data
storage domain, and attach it to the new data center with the storage type of iSCSI, which
we created earlier in this chapter. Perform the following steps to add a data domain to store
virtual machines:
1. If you are using any type of network storage like NFS or iSCSI as a data domain,
it's highly recommended to dedicate a network interface on hypervisors' hosts to
access the network storage so that all the storage traffic will get isolated from the
end user traffic accessing the application hosted on your virtual machines. To add
an iSCSI storage domain, navigate to the Storage tab after you have logged in to
the administrator portal and click on New Domain .
2. Give a meaningful name to the data domain, select the data center from the drop-
down menu, change Domain Function / Storage Type to Data / ISCSI , and leave
the Format V3 unchanged.
3. Under the Use Host drop-down menu, select the host you want to perform an ini-
tial storage configuration for. Note that only the hosts registered to the data center
will only be displayed under the drop-down menu.
4. Then, under the Discover Targets section, fill in your iSCSI server FQDN in the
Address textbox, select Port , check the User Authentication option, and fill in
the chap login credentials, if in case your iSCSI storage server is enabled with au-
thentication to restrict iSCSI access to storage volumes.
5. Finally, click on Discover , which will instruct the host that you selected to discov-
er the iSCSI target and returns with all the target names that are exported from
your iSCSI server to this host. Select the target and click on Login .
6. Once the host is logged in to the iSCSI, target the same screen and you will get an
option to expand the target name in order to select the LUN you want to use for
this data domain. Select the LUN and click on the OK button. Take a look at the
following screenshot:
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