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A cluster is a group of physical hosts that acts as a resource pool for a set of virtual ma-
chines created on it. You can create multiple clusters in a data center. For example, you can
group a set of hosts and attach them to a cluster named web cluster to run your web server
workloads. Similarly, you can group another set of hosts and attach them to a database
cluster to run your database workloads. Hosts in the same cluster should share the same
CPU, storage types, and network infrastructures. This will allow the live migration of virtu-
al machines across a set of hosts in the same cluster during planned maintenance or while
using high availability features of RHEV. To create a new cluster, you have to perform the
following steps:
1. Use the Guide Me window or navigate to the Cluster tab by clicking on the Con-
figure Later button of the Guide Me window. If you are not using the Guide Me
window, you need to select the data center on which the cluster is to be created. In
this example, we are going to use the Guide Me window and select the Configure
Cluster option.
2. Under the General section, give a meaningful name to the cluster along with a de-
scription and comment.
3. Select CPU Name . Note that it is important to match the CPU processor family to
any processor (can be the oldest processor present in any hypervisor in the cluster)
you intend to attach to the cluster; otherwise, the host will go into a nonoperational
state when you try to activate it. Please refer to your respective CPU vendor guide
for more details on Intel and the AMD CPU Family.
4. Set Compatibility Version to 3.3 and leave the Enable Virt Service radio button
checked. You need to check the Enable Gluster Service option only when you
plan to use the hosts' clusters as gluster storage server nodes and not as running
virtual machines.
Red Hat Storage ( RHS ), formerly known as GlusterFS, provides a POSIX-com-
patible filesystem that allows you to store virtual machine images in a Red Hat St-
orage Server cluster instead of network-attached storage ( NAS ) appliances or a
storage area network ( SAN ) array. RedHat Enterprise Virtualization 3.3 and later
supports Red Hat Storage as the virtual machine image store. If the RHEV cluster
is gluster-enabled, hosts in this cluster will be used as Red Hat Storage Server
nodes and not to run virtual machines.
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