Information Technology Reference
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Registering with Red Hat Network
To install RHEV-M, you need to first register your manager machine with Red Hat Net-
work and subscribe to the relevant channels.
You need to connect your machine to the Red Hat Network with a valid account with ac-
cess to the relevant software channels to register your machine and deploy RHEV-M pack-
If your environment does not have access to the Red Hat Network, you can perform an off-
line installation of RHEV-M. For more information, please refer to ht-
tps:// .
To register your machine with the Red Hat Network using RHN Classic, please run the fol-
lowing command from the shell and follow the onscreen instructions:
# rhn_register
This command will register your manager machine to the parent channel of your operating
system version. It's strongly recommended to use Red Hat Subscription Manager to register
and subscribe to the relevant channel. To use Red Hat Subscription Manager, please refer to
the Subscribing to the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager Channels using Sub-
scription Manager section from the RHEV 3.3 installation guide at ht-
Installation_Guide/index.html .
After successful registration of your manager machine to the Red Hat Network, subscribe
the manager machine using the following command to subscribe to the relevant channels.
Then download and install the manager-related software packages. The following com-
mand will prompt you to enter your Red Hat Network login credentials:
# rhn-channel -a -c rhel-x86_64-server-6-rhevm-3.3 -c
rhel-x86_64-server-supplementary-6 -c
Username: "yourrhnlogin"
Password: XXXX
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