Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Adding users from CLI
Proceed with the following steps:
1. Log in as the root of the IdM server, and further log in as the admin user of the dir-
ectory server to create additional users. Take a look at the following examples:
[root@ipa ~]# kinit admin@EXAMPLE.COM
Password for admin@EXAMPLE.COM:
[root@ipa ~]# ipa user-add ipauser1 --first=Demo
--last=user1 --password
Enter Password again to verify:
Added user ""ipauser1""
User login: ipauser1
First name: Demo
Last name: user1
Full name: Demo user1
Display name: Demo user1
Initials: Du
Home directory: /home/ipauser1
GECOS field: Demo user1
Login shell: /bin/sh
Kerberos principal: ipauser1@EXAMPLE.COM
Email address:
UID: 945200001
GID: 945200001
Password: True
Kerberos keys available: True
[root@ipa ~]#
2. Log in as the newly created user, and you will be asked to reset the password once.
You are required to change the password of the IdM user once after the user is cre-
ated in IdM to be able to log in to the RHEV admin or user portal. Take a look at
the following example:
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