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The start procedure
Post your maintenance operation, you can start the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization infra-
structure by performing the following steps:
1. Power on the storage if it is powered off during the maintenance activity.
2. Once the storage is up and running, you can start all the hypervisor hosts.
3. Power on RHEV Manager Server once all the hypervisor hosts are up and running.
4. Activate the RHEV hypervisor host by navigating to the Hosts tab and clicking on
Activate .
5. Once the hypervisor host is up and running, you need to again activate the storage
domain back.
6. At least one data storage domain should be active before you activate the export or
ISO domains. Upon activating the first data storage domain, one of the hypervisor
hosts state will change from up to contending to become Storage Pool Manager
( SPM ).
7. Once the host gets an SPM status, the activated data domain will get the status of
Master data domain.
8. Now you can start all the virtual machines and start your application.
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