Civil Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Critical Path Method (CPM) —A scheduling technique using networks for graphic
display of the work plan. The method is used to determine the length of a project
and to identify the activities that are critical to the completion of the project.
Cumulative Distribution Function —A function used to compute probabilities
for a continuous random variable having values up to a certain value x: F ( x )=
Pr ( X
x )
Current Finish Date —The current (updated) estimate of the point in time when
the project (or a specific activity) will be completed.
Damages —A measure of monetary compensation that a court or arbitrator awards
to a plaintiff for loss or injury suffered by the plaintiff's person, property, or
other legally recognizable rights.
Dangling Activity —An activity tied from only one end (start or finish). A dangling
activity has only a predecessor(s) or successor(s), not both.
Data Date —The date as of which all progress on a project is reported.
Degressing —Degressing an in-progress schedule is reversing all progress reflected
on the schedule to go back to the starting point. This practice is used when
there is no baseline schedule but there is a need to create one after construction
has started.
Delay —An event or condition that results in work activity starting, or project
completion, later than originally planned, or an interruption or a hindrance to
planned progress.
Delay Claim —A claim for extension of time, monetary compensation, or both for a
delay caused by actions of another party. Delay claims are classified into
excusable, compensable, and nonexcusable.
Dependency —See Logic Relationship .
Design-Bid-Build —Design-bid-build (also called traditional ) contracting/project
delivery method. The owner contracts with a design firm/consultant to
complete the design of the contracted facility, and then selects the constructor
through a competitive bidding process. The awarded bidder will become the
contractor who will build the facility.
Design-Build (DB) Contracting Method —Design-build is a contracting/project
delivery method whereby the owner contracts with a single entity (DB
contractor) to do both the design and the construction of the contracted facility.
The DB contractor may be a general contractor, with the design services being
subcontracted, a design firm with the construction services being subcontracted,
or both design and construction being done in-house. Such a contract may
involve a variety of stipulations, mostly to deal with the amount and method of
Design Development (DD) —The second phase of a designer's basic services (the
first phase being schematic design), which includes developing all engineering
and architectural drawings, specifications, and the cost estimate. This phase may
occur in stages, each of which is defined by a certain percent completion.
For example, DD30 means the design development is at 30% complete. This
indicates that about 30% of the information in the design has been determined.
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