Civil Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Building Information Modeling (BIM) —A process involving the generation and
management of digital representations of physical and functional characteristics
of places. Building Information Models (BIMs) are files (often but not always in
proprietary formats and containing proprietary data) that can be exchanged or
networked to support decision making about a place. Current BIM software is
used by individuals, businesses, and government agencies to plan, design,
construct, operate, and maintain diverse physical infrastructures, from water,
wastewater, electricity, gas, refuse, and communication utilities to roads, bridges,
and ports, from houses, apartments, schools, and shops to offices, factories,
warehouses, and prisons. ( Wikipedia online). Another brief definition: a
data-rich, object-oriented, intelligent and parametric digital representation of a
facility/building components.
Calculated Finish Date —The completion date of the project as calculated in the
Forward Pass of the Critical Path Method .
Calendar —Calendars show the days on which work on activities may be performed.
Calendar Unit —The smallest unit of time used for activity duration and scheduling
Central Limit Theorem (CLT) —The central limit theorem demonstrates that in
large enough samples, the distribution of a sample mean approximates a normal
curve, regardless of the shape of the distribution of the population from which
the samples were drawn. The larger the value of the sample size is, the better the
approximation to the normal distribution.
Certificate of Completion —A written document forwarded to the general
contractor by the architect, engineer, or owner stating that construction is
complete according to the contract agreement (approved plans, specifications,
change orders, etc.).
Certificate of Occupancy —A written document issued by a local governmental
agency stating that the building or facility is in a condition to be occupied (i.e.,
in compliance with public health and building codes).
Certificate of Substantial Completion —A written document forwarded to the
general contractor by the architect, engineer, or owner indicating that the
project is substantially complete. This document initiates the time period for the
final payment to the contractor.
Change of the Critical Path —A partial or complete change in the Critical Path in
a CPM schedule that was caused by a change in the duration of an activity(ies)
and/or a change in the logic of the schedule. Practically speaking, the Critical
Path changes if a near-critical path has increased to exceed the original Critical
Path or if the original Critical Path has decreased to become shorter than
another path in the schedule.
Change Order (CO) —A formal written document, signed by the owner, directing
the contractor to make changes from the original contract. A change order can
be used for adding, deleting, or substituting work items. A change order
usually—but not always—has an impact on the project's cost and schedule. Also
called Variation Order (VO) .
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