Civil Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
2. Cost/Budget: Percent complete = Actual Cost Total budget = $560
9 % complete
3. Man-hours: Percent complete = Actual man-hours Total man-hours =
4 13 = 30
120 = 17
8 % complete
4. Duration: Percent complete = Actual duration Total duration =
2 hours 5 hours = 40 % complete
5. Workday Unit (becomes here work-hour unit): Percent complete =
Actual Units Total Units = 4 7 = 57 % complete
Methods 2 through 5 are calculated based on baseline (budget,
man-hours, duration). They are correct based on actual work only if
everything went as planned (on budget and on schedule).
Now, to make things a little more complicated, let's assume that
the hollow-core doors actually cost the contractor $230 and that each
one took an extra hour for installation (each). Also assume that the
expectation for the third activity did not change.
Actual cost for first two activities = 230 + 3 40 = $350 each
At Completion-cost for project = 2 350 + 2 , 560 = $3 , 260
At Completion man hours for project = 3 + 3 + 3 3
= 15 man hours
At Completion duration for project = 3 + 3 = 6 hours
New percent complete estimates will emerge based on methods
2 through 5:
6. Actual
Percent complete = $700 $3 , 260 = 21 . 5 %
7. Actual Man-Hours: Percent complete = 6 15 = 40 % complete
8. Actual Duration: Percent Complete = 3 6 = 50 % complete
9. Actual Work-hour Unit: Percent complete = Actual units Total units =
6 9 = 66
7 % complete
If this is not confusing enough, let's say that the foreman “believes” the
project is about 35% complete! These percentages can be rearranged as:
1. Units % Completed = 2 3 = 66
7 %
2. Cost % Complete:
Baseline % Complete = $560 $3 , 120 = 17 . 9 %
Actual % Complete = $700 $3
260 = 21
5 %
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