Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
» »Pocket knife
» »Scissors, safety pins, tweezers
» »Steroid cream or cortisone (allergic rashes)
» »Sun block
» »Syringes and sterile needles (if travelling to remote areas)
» »Thermometer
Find out in advance if your insurance plan will make payments directly to providers or re-
imburse you later for overseas health costs, because banking sanctions mean it will be
very difficult for insurers to pay doctors direct in Iran. It's also worth ensuring your travel
insurance will cover repatriation home or to better medical facilities elsewhere, if neces-
sary. Your insurance company might be able to locate the nearest source of medical help,
but it's faster to ask your hotel or, in an emergency, call your embassy or consulate. Travel
insurance usually covers emergency dental treatment.
Not all insurance covers emergency aeromedical evacuation home or to a hospital in a
major city, which may be the only way to get medical attention for a serious emergency.
Recommended Vaccinations
The World Health Organization recommends that all travellers regardless of the region
they are travelling in should be covered for diphtheria, tetanus, measles, mumps, rubella
and polio, as well as hepatitis B. While making preparations to travel, take the opportunity
to ensure that all of your routine vaccination cover is complete. However, in Iran out-
breaks are rare.
World Health Organization ( ) The superb, free International Travel and
Health , which is revised annually.
MD Travel Health ( ) Travel health recommendations updated
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