Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Turkey ( 021-3595 1100;; 314 Ferdosi St, Tehran)
Turkmenistan Tehran ( 021-2220 6731; 5 Barati St, off Vatanpour St, off Lavasani St,
Farmanieh; 9.30am-11am Sun-Thu); Mashhad ( 0511-854 7066; Do Shahid St off
Dah-e Dey Sq; 8.30-noon Mon-Thu & Sat) A 5-day transit visa or a tourist visa are is-
sued either the same day or after a week (yes, inconsistent) with a letter of introduction,
eg from , photos and copies. Once approval has been given, speed of
stamping depends on the price paid.
UK ( 021-6670 5011;; 198 Ferdosi St, Tehran)
US Interests Section of Swiss Embassy ( 021-2254 2178; 39 cnr Shahid Mousavi
[Golestan 5th] and Paidarfard St, Pasdaran, Tehran)
Uzbekistan ( 021-2229 1519; 15, 4th Dead End, Aqdasieh St, off Pasdaran St, Aq-
dasieh, Tehran) Most countries need a letter of invitation (LOI) from Uzbekistan. If you
have one a 30-day tourist visa is issued on the spot for US$93. It's near the Sadaf Shop-
ping Centre.
Gay & Lesbian Travellers
Despite what President Ahmadinejad might like to say, Iranian gays and lesbians do exist.
Unlike most other places, however, in Iran homosexuality is not only illegal but punish-
able by hundreds of lashes and even death. In recent years several men have been hanged
for the 'crime' of having consensual homosexual sex. Barbaric laws aside, there is no
reason why gay and lesbian travellers shouldn't visit Iran. There are no questions of sexu-
ality on visa application forms, and we have not heard of homosexual travellers being
treated badly provided they refrain from overt acts of affection.
Arranging meetings with Iranian gays and lesbians will, however, be tough. The nearest
thing to a gay 'scene' is a few nervous-looking men sitting alone in Daneshgu and Laleh
parks in Tehran. For lesbians it's even tougher. The best way to make contact is online
(but it's unwise to say where in this topic).
It makes sense not to advertise that you're part of a same-sex couple. Most hoteliers
won't ask, though you might find in some places discretion is the better part of valour
when seeking a double bed.
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