Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
While your mother would probably have a heart attack if you sat down to lunch on her Per-
sian rug, eating on the floor, or on a takht (a sort of daybed), is normal here. So if you end
up in someone's home, remember to remove your shoes before sitting around the plastic
sheet that acts as the 'Iranian table', and avoid putting your left hand into a communal dish.
For Iranians, breakfast is a simple affair, con-
sisting of endless tea served with leftover (ie
rather crisp) lavash , feta-style cheese and jam -
often carrot-flavoured. Most hotels usually
throw in an egg. Lunch is the main meal of the
day and is eaten with mountains of rice between
noon and 2pm. Dinner is usually a bit lighter
and eaten from about 7pm onwards. Many res-
taurants close earlier on Friday. On religious holidays, almost everywhere selling food will
shut for the morning at least.
During Ramazan most eateries close from dawn un-
til dusk. Because travellers don't have to fast, hotel
and bus terminal restaurants stay open, albeit be-
hind heavy blinds. Eating, drinking or smoking in
public is bad form during Ramazan.
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