Java Reference
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Using directory classpath
$ javafx -cp . misc.Test
DIR = file:/export/home/jclarke/Documents/Book/
FILE = file:/export/home/jclarke/Documents/Book/
Notice the Trailing Slash on __DIR__: Because the tailing slash already exists
on __DIR__ , do not add an extra trailing slash when using __DIR__ to build a path to
a resource like an image. Image{ url: "{__DIR__}image/foo.jpeg"} is correct.
Image{ url: "{__DIR__}/image/foo.jpeg"} is wrong . If you add the trailing slash
after __DIR__ , the image will not be found and you will be scratching your head
trying to figure out why not.
Chapter Summary
This chapter covered key concepts in the JavaFX Scripting language. You were
shown what constitutes a script and what constitutes a class. You were shown
how to declare script and instance variables, how to create and modify
sequences, and how to control logic flow.
You now have a basic understanding of the JavaFX Script language syntax and
operators. Now, it is time to put this to use. In the following chapters, we will
drill down into the key features of JavaFX and show how to leverage the JavaFX
Script language to take advantage of those features. In the next chapter, we start
our exploration of JavaFX by discussing the data synchronization support in the
JavaFX runtime.
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