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specified, the string itself becomes the key into the locale properties file. For
var postalCode = ## "Zip Code: ";
var postalCode = ##[postal]"Zip Code: ";
In the preceding example, using the first form, the key is "Zip Code: " , whereas
for the second form, the key is "postal" . So how does this work?
By default, the localizer searches for a property file for each unique script name.
This is the package name plus script filename with a locale and a file type of
.fxproperties . So, if your script name is com.mycompany.MyClass , the localizer
code would look for a property file named com/mycompany/MyClass_xx.
fxproperties on the classpath, where xx is the locale. For example, for English
in the United Kingdom, the properties filename would be com/mycompany/
MyClass_en_GB.fxproperties , whereas French Canadian would be com/mycom-
pany/MyClass_fr_CA.fxproperties . If your default locale is just English, the
properties file would be MyClass_en.fxproperties . The more specific file is
searched first, then the least specific file is consulted. For instance, MyClass_
en_GB.fxproperties is searched for the key and if it is not found, then
MyClass_en.fxproperties would be searched. If the key cannot be found at all,
the string itself is used as the default. Here are some examples:
Example #1:
println(##"Thank you");
French - MyClass_fr.fxproperties:
"Thank you" = "Merci"
German - MyClass_de.fxproperties:
"Thank you" = "Danke"
Japanese - MyClass_ja.fxproperties:
"Thank you" = "Arigato"
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